Google Ads 101
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Google Ads 101

9 Terms You Need to Know to Better Understand Your Campaign

Google Ads is a great tool to become instantly visible and to get possible clients on Google’s search engine and it’s partners. However, it has a cost. As described on the article “How to become the top of the list on Google and other search engines?” a Google Ad will be a profitable tool for your company if it is set up the right way.

Unlike many people think, there is a lot to know behind running a successful Google Ads Campaign. We highly recommend you to have your ad campaign run by professionals. For each dollar you spend on the platform, it should give you profitable results, great data or at least potential clients. It takes required knowledge of the tool and of your business to make the right ad for the right clients.

Based on our clients’ needs and questions, we decided to create a small dictionary of terms that will help you to have a better understanding of Ad Campaigns. The following terms are basic for helping you to understand, track, evaluate your campaign better.

Campaign: A campaign is a set of ad groups. In a ad campaign you can set up campaign level configurations that will be used by all ad groups such as language, location, budget and even negative keywords.

Ad Group: Ad Groups contain specific set of keywords related to an ad theme. It is important to take advantage of having many ad groups divided by theme of services or products inside a campaign.

Click: A click is counted when someone clicks on your ad. Notice that on Google Ads, the cost is per click.

Daily Budget: Google Ads gives you total control of your campaign. It lets you limit your total spend per day.

Display URL: It is the web address that will be displayed when your ad shows up in a search.

Impression: Impressions are the total number of times your ad is being seeing on search results by visitors. In other words, it is how many times your ad appeared on Google searches or any Google Network (if it is set up for this purpose).

Keywords: These are words or phrases that describe your services or product. Choosing appropriate keywords is crucial for your performance. Choosing the wrong keywords can bring the wrong types of visitors to your website. Before choosing keywords for your ad campaign, take a look at the types of keyword matches that are available to be used. Such as broad match, broad match modifier, phase match and exact match.

Negative Keywords:  These are as important as keywords. Negative keywords help you have better control of your ad. For example, if you do not want to show your ad for people who are looking for jobs relating to your particular topic, you should consider to add “jobs” as a negative keyword.

CPC: CPC is an acronym for cost-per-click. The amount you set here will be the maximum you are willing to pay, however if someone clicks on your ad, it could cost less than the amount set. It is completely related to bid. Bigger is your bid, greater will be the chances of you appear first listed in a specific search.

We recommend you to be aware of what people are doing with your google ad campaign. Always ask the company you are working with or the campaign creator the following questions:

  • What are my keywords? What kind of match are you using?

Make sure they are not too broad. Example: if your store sells t-shirt for kids. The keyword t-shirt would be too broad.

  • What are my negative keywords?

It is important to know what negative keywords are being used too because they help block the wrong types of clients from coming to your website.

  • What type of ad are you displaying in each ad group?

Make sure the ad group matches the appropriate keywords. An ad group could represent a specific type of service or product.

  • What is my cost-per-click during certain period and what kind of activity is happening?

It will help you to know if the investment is making profitable returns.

If you need a consultant, professional help or someone to manage your campaign, contact us to get a free quote. We would be happy to help.

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